When you advertise job vacancies that will be aimed solely at graduates or recent school leavers then you may have to tailor them more than if you were looking to advertise job vacancies to regular job seekers. You have to think hard about the disciplines that will be required by the successful applicant in order to excel in the role that you are looking to fill. After spending several years at University studying within a particular niche, a graduate is unlikely to remain in a job role and build a long term career within your organisation unless they feel that the role is giving them the job satisfaction and challenging them in the ways they expected. Graduates are ambitious and ambitious people need to be challenged within their job role but can often excel and enhance your organisation as a result.

If a graduate has recently left University and is currently unemployed they may be desperate to break into the job market and may accept the first job role that they are offered just to get some money in their pocket and get their foot on the ladder. However, if the job role is excessively repetitive, could be considered boring, or is unrelated to a graduates qualifications, studies and interests then it is unlikely to keep their interest for very long and you could find yourself having to advertise job vacancies again in order to replace them.

It is important to ensure that your job role when you advertise job vacancies would suit a graduate, has longevity attached to it and is focussed around University graduate qualifications.

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