When advertising job vacancies with the Grad Central job board there are several options available to you and if you do not have experience of advertising job vacancies online then it can be easy to forget or omit information that could be considered important for a prospective candidate and graduates who may see your advert. You want as many relevant and high quality candidates as possible to apply for your vacancy so ensuring that your listing is as comprehensive and detailed as possible is very important. You don’t want your vacancy to be excessively wordy but you do want to provide job seekers with the important facts that will encourage them to apply for the vacancy.

Including information such as specific job role duties and skills and qualities that you would expect the successful candidate to possess is essential when advertising job vacancies. If unsociable or irregular working hours are a necessary part of the vacancy you are looking to fill then make it clear to prospective new employees as soon as possible, it will be a waste of both your time and resources as well as the applicants time if areas such as this are raised at a later date and are unworkable for the chosen candidate. If the position comes with benefits such as a healthcare scheme, pension or bonus system then these are also attractive to applicants and should be including as should the salary and end date for applicants to apply for the vacancy. The more information you can give to job seekers when advertising job vacancies the better.

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